Thursday, March 7, 2013

Very Jane winners & and a leave of absence!

Sorry the long wait on the winners of this awesome giveaway! it has been a crazy week or 2 and I am just now getting around to putting this up! First of all, thank you SO much to everyone who entered! Also huge thanks to Very Jane for giving us such a fun giveaway! I am super excited to announce our winners, and as usual, if you didn't win this time, DO NOT BE SAD! I always have good giveaways and I'm sure there will be another soon:)

Since there were 4 winners for this giveaway, the winners were randomly chosen based on number of entires and color of necklace desired. So without further adieu, here are the winners!

CONGRATS GIRLS! Please e-mail me as soon as possible at

In the meantime, I am going to be taking a little mini break for about a week or 2! I will be back shortly:)

1 comment:

  1. I got my pink Very Jane necklace yesterday and I LOVE it!!! SO pretty :)


